Thou shalt kill anyone who works on Sunday.(Exodus 35:2)你應該殺掉那些在星期天工作的人
Women shalt not teach, nor hold authority positions over men.(Timothy 2:11-15)女人不能教導,也不准領導男人
Thou shalt not wear clothes of mixed fibers.(Leviticus 19:19)你不准穿混合紡織品的衣服
A woman’s period is disgusting and unclean and anyone who comes near her is guilty of sin.月經中的女人是骯髒的,接近她的人就是犯了原罪
Thou shalt inflict corporal punishment on your children.(Proverbs 13-29)你應該體罰小孩
Thou shalt not be disrespectful to thy parents, lest ye be killed.(Leviticus 20:9)那些不尊敬父母的應該被殺
Thou shalt not eat pork, shrimp, lobster, or any shellfish.(Leviticus 11:7-12)你不准吃豬肉,蝦子跟貝類
So? 真要一字不漏的實現聖經的話,禮拜天工作的都得死,不准有女教師或女性政治家,百貨公司通通關門,虐待小孩是合理的,豬肉或海產都不准吃,不曉得有多少討厭同性戀跟反墮胎的教徒真的做到以上這些?
Thou shalt kill anyone who works on Sunday.(Exodus 35:2)你應該殺掉那些在星期天工作的人
Women shalt not teach, nor hold authority positions over men.(Timothy 2:11-15)女人不能教導,也不准領導男人
Thou shalt not wear clothes of mixed fibers.(Leviticus 19:19)你不准穿混合紡織品的衣服
A woman’s period is disgusting and unclean and anyone who comes near her is guilty of sin.月經中的女人是骯髒的,接近她的人就是犯了原罪
Thou shalt inflict corporal punishment on your children.(Proverbs 13-29)你應該體罰小孩
Thou shalt not be disrespectful to thy parents, lest ye be killed.(Leviticus 20:9)那些不尊敬父母的應該被殺
Thou shalt not eat pork, shrimp, lobster, or any shellfish.(Leviticus 11:7-12)你不准吃豬肉,蝦子跟貝類
So? 真要一字不漏的實現聖經的話,禮拜天工作的都得死,不准有女教師或女性政治家,百貨公司通通關門,虐待小孩是合理的,豬肉或海產都不准吃,不曉得有多少討厭同性戀跟反墮胎的教徒真的做到以上這些?