要嘛不來,一來就火拼; 要嘛不翻譯,一翻就多翻幾首,張雨生的"和天一樣高"記得是被拿來當空軍官校的招生曲,也是很有勵志作用,讓我都想多買幾台戰機了
Fire engine, fear nothing
Fly straight into the dream
Chase the moment, pass the boundary
Washed by never-ending stream
I beat a much wilder heart, than anybody you see
Never walk away from any, deserving challenge
I am shooting for sky high
Yearning for an everglowing light
I am shooting for sky high, SKY~ HIGH~~
The future is waving in my eyes
All courage, no wavering
Pouch it right into the dream
Break clouds, see reflection
Find me so invigorating
I want a much brighter life, than anybody can live
Never walk away from any, deserving challenge
I am shooting for sky high
I wanna hold you right and tight
I am shooting for sky high, SKY~ HIGH~~
I know I'll do better another time
這個是我得意之作,儘可能保持原意,而且押的韻跟原歌詞也一樣! 我很懷疑會有人翻得更好啦,處女座是自己最嚴厲的批評者,不滿意的東西不敢端上桌的